Library Section

This section is ground floor of old hall of library. Books are arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) classification system. General books are marked with accession number i.e. 20444. In this section books are available on Engineering, General topics and Literature.


To motivate the students in their study, Central library started new facility to issue two extra books either from General section or Welfare section for full semester who achieved first three positions in the last examination held.They have to get position holder form from link download and fill it then get recommended from respective HOD and submit back to library.


In this section Issue/Return of books are done here. Every member can get membership of library after applying for membership on membership card available in library. At the time of membership four reader tickets are provided to B. Tech & P G students. If any student loss the reader tickets, he/she can get it duplicate after paying rupee 25 per tickets. At the completion of course / end of course No Due certificate will be given to students after returning the all books and tickets.

|Membership Card|


This section is on first floor of general book section of library. In this section about 140 journals and 59 magazines are procured. Journals can be read in periodical section only. Within each department the periodicals are arranged in the alphabetical order of their titles.


Literature represents a language culture religion and tradition. But, literature is more important than just historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experiences, we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books.


The Library has more than 3075 bound volumes of periodicals. Each volume is classified according to the Dewey Decimal Classification System. All journals published in 1959 and before are archived in the first floor of the Building. All other journals are located in the ground and the second floor of the Building.

Computer & Networking The Library

Library has its sub-LAN which is connected to the Campus LAN Library. It has a Computer Lab for the users of the Library as well. The Wi-Fi facilities is also available in the library.


This section is on fist floor on the roof of consultancy seminar hall. In this section reference books,Like Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, Dictionaries, Handbook, Conference Proceedings, Directory, Subject related reference books, M.Tech Theses, Back sets of journals are kept here. Internet facilities to access the digital library is also provided in this section.

The classified section provides holding information for each journal titles, while the alphabetical portion provides a reference to the class number, which is used for shelving volumes of journals.

Keyword Source
RL-AT Atlases
RL-BIB Bibliographies
RL-ENC Encyclopedias
RL-DY Directories
RL-DIC Dictionaries
RL-HB Hand Books
RL-TH Theses